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Willow Dragonfly Educational Sculpture Kit - Children, Adults, Family Activity.

Willow Dragonfly Educational Kit

Learn how to make a willow dragonfly sculpture, then enjoy learning some interesting facts about these stunning insects.

Each pack includes either willow ready to weave (Nov- March, using fresh cut green willow) or willow ready to soak (Mar-Oct with full soaking instructions) , a full colour step by step instructional guide. Access to a YouTube instructional video guide.

There are also 9 worksheets included, with a fun fact file, key vocabulary word search, label a life cycle drawing, label a dragonflies anatomy, you can do a bit of mathematics with fun dragonfly symmetry and learn how to draw your very own dragonfly step by step. (Answer sheets also provided)

All the pictures used on the worksheets were hand painted by myself in watercolour and then used to create the digital version.

These packs are suitable for younger and older children. Infact they are a nice family activity to do together. (Younger children will need a little help from an adult for the sculpture and guide)

These kits are £28, inclusive of postage & packaging. (UK only)

If using fresh willow, it must be used within a week of receiving the kit and stored in a cool, dry place out of sunlight until used as it is fresh season willow, which is only flexible for working at the time. If using the dry willow, it can be stored and the used onced soaked at your own timescale. 

If you wish to make more than one sculpture, if you have more than one child or an adult, who wants to make a sculpture too. I can include additional willow for a small amount extra per sculpture in the same pack. Just message me at the time of purchase.

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